Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Eh, received this email from someone a few days ago... I DON'T KNOW ITS TRUE OR NOT, JUST READ! =P~

> If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM
> machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse.
> For example if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321..
> The
> ATM recognizes that your pin number is backwards from the ATM card you
> placed in the machine.
> The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to
> The robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you.
> This information was recently broadcasted on TV and it states that it is
> seldom used because people don't know it exists.
> Please pass this along to everyone possible.*

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I am still running on my research... A research that I am fascinated in, and hope that I am able to get some results from it.
Many will certainly laugh, or sneer at the topic of my research, but who cares. =)

Do you believe that VAMPIRES exist?

It's something for you to think about, because this is not the type of VAMPIRES you see in movies, drama serials, etc...

I've been through several websites, and yes, I must say that I found some interesting stuff. Best of all, I managed to get into contact with someone who claims that he "is" a "vampire"*ahem.
I am now sort of interviewing him for my own personal research, and may post up my results soon.

Well, vampires who cater to immortalism, to me, only occurs and appears on films/movies/dramas. I believe all those we see in shows are mostly exaggerated.

Vampirism is a human condition whereby these "humans" have an extra need or desire for blood. Ah, donors to the rescue. However, its not easy to get a donor. Thus, they usually have to turn to animal blood to satisfy and feed their needs. (Although it may not be as satisfying as human ones.)

I roamed the China forum, and discovered that there are actually quite a number of *pardon me* obsessive fellows who wish to be vampires, and some even seemed desperate to seek a real vampire into turning them into one. (I believe they watched too many MDWAV).

From my research, there seems to be no solution and guarantee to turning.
Either you are born one, or awakened.

Okay, real vampires do not fear garlics, nor crosses. I've read somewhere about using a sharp object to poke through the heart of a vampire in order to kill it. Its so hilarious man.

Who wouldn't die from it? Even HUMANS do die from usage of sharp objects poking through the hearts! HAHA..

Seems like the only problem(s) for real vampires are sunlight and thirst. They have an ultra sensitivity to sunlight, though. As for the thirst, I wonder why does it need to be blood in the first place?

But something to take note of, humans who have a fascination for blood or lust for it are not neccessary vampires. It may just be a fetish, or a medical condition. If you ask me, I cannot give an affirmation that real vampires do exist, but I can say that there are humans who drink blood.

Long long ago... ... *ok, I know you are sleeping right now*
There was a lady who lives on blood of humans to maintain her beauty. She was forever looking so young, so radiant... but nobody knows the evil truth behind it...

Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm Sorry... ...

If only words can express how sincere and apologetic I am, I will write an infinite list of words.... ....

Lawrence, I am sorry. I really am.

I wish you are reading this blog now, and understand the amount of guilt filled in me.
I knew I should be angry at Joshua, and NOT you. Why,oh why, did I talk back at you instead of him?
It dawned on me that there are far more things that happened during that "dismissal day" that I did not know. I was told that you were actually helping us that day, but I still scolded your agency of being unreasonable. (How silly was I? I should be telling Joshua all that instead of you!)

Yes, I know I am at fault now, but I feel helpless. (Who ask that Joshua to agitate me?)

Today, I went back to the agency with my friends, and I saw you.

I caught you taking a glance at me, with an expression I couldn't describe. (was that a smirk on your face or something? :s)

Honestly, I dared not face you and I looked away.

Not soon after, you seemed to be on the phone and went out of the agency while I and my friends were still inside, waiting for the payment.

After we have finished the stuff, you were still outside on the phone.
But when we came outside, you seemed to have ended your phone call and you went back into the agency again. I really hope this is a sign of coincidence and not avoiding, right?

Its really sad to see us ignoring each other's existence when I walked past you, still feigning "charcoal" face.

But, deep inside, I really want to say sorry to you.

However, its too late...

P/S: This post does not cater to Josh. I saw Josh today, and I did not maintain any second of eye contact with him during the whole process while awaiting payment. The tension for me was quite awkward that time, but still, I accept the sms apology. BUT please Josh, can you kindly control your temper next time for the sake of your company's reputation? Honestly, you have a LOUD thunderous voice. Spare a thought for your future wife, leh. I prefer you smiling with your teeth showing. At least you look more less threatening this way. =.=

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Something FUNNY: Mas Selamat and TOP 5 999 Calls

Today, I stumbled upon a blog by random, and saw this entry "joke" being posted on a blogger's blog. I guess you all know who is this Mas Selamat, who had escaped weeks ago, and hasn't been found? Well, here's a little something for you:

Mas Selamat spotting and the top five 999 calls

Caller number one

999: Police
Caller: I think I have just spotted Mas Selamat
999: Can you describe for me the person you saw?
Caller: He is about 6 foot two and looks like Andy Lau
999: Excuse me, but do you know that the person we are looking for is a Malay man about 1.58 meters tall and walking with a limp?
Caller: If he can escape, he is not so stupid and if he is not so stupid, he would be walking around in a disguise and if he is going to be in disguise, if I were he, I would want to disguise myself to look like Andy Lau and make myself look 6 foot two.
999: Thanks for calling and please call us only if you see someone that looks like him and walks with a limp.
*too too toooooo*

Caller number two

999: Police
Caller: *whispers* I am in the bus on the way to work and I think I hear a Malay girl talking to Mas Selamat on the mobile phone.
999: Why do you think she is talking to Mas Selamat?
Caller: ….because she started off by saying: “Selamat Pagi”!
999: er, do you know that “Selamat pagi” is “Good morning?”
Caller: …exactly she is saying “pagi, morning” to “Selamat”.
999: Thanks for calling but please call us only when you are more certain of the information.
*too too toooooo*

Caller number three

999: Police
Caller: Police! I saw a man disguised as woman along Orchard Road and it could be Mas Selamat!
999: Can you describe the person to me?
Caller: Well she or maybe he, is dark skinned like a Malay or Thai and is about 1.58 meters.
999: …and where did you see this person in Orchard Road?
Caller: Outside Orchard Towers…
999: Thanks for calling….
*too too toooooo*

Caller number four

999: Police
Caller: Excuse me but I have a suggestion to make regarding Mas Selamat.
999: Yes?
Caller: Can the police play for us a recording of his voice?
999: Why would you want to hear a recording of his voice?
Caller: Well you know what they say: “If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck”. So far, we only know what he looks like and how he walks, but we do not know how he “quacks”, if you know what I mean.
999: Thanks for calling; I will relay your suggestion. ….
*too too toooooo*

Caller number five

999: Police
Caller: I was wondering whether I should call or not but I think I should let the police decide, I heard someone talking on the mobile with Mas Selamat.
999: Let me guess, did he or she started off by saying “Selamat Pagi”?
Caller: No
999: Then?
Caller: Selamat Malam
999: Thanks for calling….
*too too toooooo*

Ahh, whoever thought of this is.... genius.

Source from:


Anyone knows who Ahmad Stokin is? He's a comedian, and people had been coming up to him and tell him that he looks like Mas Selamat. Here's a picture of Ahmad Stokin:

So, what do you think?

I will be doing some random blog-hopping to search for interesting stuff to post here. If anyone of you has got funny stuff, feel free to email me at:




I am so superb-ly infuriated right now that smoke are coming out of my ears! I chanced upon a person's - a DAMN one-I should say, for BLOGGING about me behind my back, especially its something NEGATIVE about me.

I seldom use vulgarities, so don't force me to use it on YOU. Please get the facts right before disgracing yourself can? Its so hilarious seeing how you blogged the scenario out when I don't remember that I did it!

To anyone who is still existing and reading this VERY blog right now, refer to my previous entries about the job agency. (Yes, I know this incident had happened ages ago, but for goodness sake, this siao girl still had the cheek to come and blog about me inside when I don't even know who the world she is!)

Firstly, she said inside her blog that I took photos of the agents and then video-ed them. HELLO!


Why did you make the assumption AND conclusion that I really did take the videos? I merely took photos, man! Since you did not know what happened after that, then don't BLOG the incident out, lah. So disgraceful.

And for your information and SORRY to disappoint you, I did not get sued like what you've guessed. I think the one who should be sued is YOU, for blogging the agency's name out and for spoiling their reputation. Don't you know this is a case of defamation?

I have checked your profile out already, seems like you are 2 years younger than me, lah. Still dare to scold me stupid when the one who should be is YOU.
You think you had 10 friends with you during that day very BIG is it? Who knows you all belong to those spoiled brat gang whom everyone were warned against!

Once again, GET THE FACTS right before making YOUR OWN assumptions and scolding me like heaven knows. You think by hiding behind the computer screen, nothing will happen to you? Don't you know even BLOGGERS get sued?

Still dare to scold me damn stupid somemore and your blahness, xiao mei mei?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Sobs sobs... This blog is closing down soon.

Because... ...

Someone bombed me with mass emails saying that I am very bad, and going to lodge a complaint against me.

Sobs Sobs....

I got a warning letter from blogger, saying I can't blog anymore... and banned.

LALALA, but I am not SCARED at ALL, because..



=_=" *eggs thrown at me.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

An email I received: A letter

Disclaimer: Please do note that I am not affiliated, nor in anyway associated with the original source of this email. I just received it via forwarded mail, in which I think it is quite hilarious, thus putting up here to share it with anyone who might be interested to read =P


Funny Complaint Letter of a TP student.
Pls pass it around to other poly studentz or sec sch studentz.

Real funny, THIS IS NOT A SPAM!!!

Dear Principal,

Complain on Temasek Polytechnic School Fee

lim bei ka li kong, you have charge me with unfair school fee. Lim bei bo join any student union wat 4 charge me wif student union fee! KNN... i attachment outside still charge me internet access fee,
ke si ar! Yio siew, u think lim bei rich ar! KNN i work till siao also jus barely make it. Still retain me for 1 sem. u think everyone makin $$ like u all ar. Kaoz... Econ bad leh... still dun gif discount stay for 3 years liao, discount a bit cannot ar. Ge Gao! i go buy food for 2 weeks auntie oso charge less, somemore i study TP 3 years liao still no rebate. still wan me to pay extra $$. KNN, next time u try ppl overcharge u lar.

Wa lao eh, last time tt indian principal let us play dai dee in school, u now come liao then cannot play. wat freakin problem u have!!! u cant win in dai dee also cant stop us from playin wat. All work n no play make us dumb students k! u read so much still dunno ar. wat kinda of a freakin principal r u! u think u big ar! ur size big onli. do nuttin n earn so much! na bei take my school fee go play mahjong issit! kaoz, pay so much but facilities still so bad. canteen no air con, so many birds fly here, fly there. U think funny issit!

swimmin pool so small, somemore no lady life guard. and the dance studio no ppl dancin air con still on, u think air con bill u pay one ar! waste my money on unuse air con! somemore the sports facilities oso lao ya one, basketball bo hong, squash ball buay tiao. na bei, u think funny issit!

I oso wanna tok bout the lab ar, KNN build more lab lar! free access always full. and we use to have a set of equipment each for lab but now 2 person share 1. u sell the rest issit! earn profit still raise school fee! u outside earn so much then still kapok our school fee. Ke si ar! u so good then go SP lar.SP big school and more students, u can exploit them wat. u think TP students hao qi fu ar! Burn ur car then u know. So rich ar, employ a security to "protect" ur car somemore still got 1 video cam. u think u drive sports car or Limo?! u car onli Nissan Sunny, act machiam like very high class like tt. Ppl drive Benz oso park outside ar.

All Poly got fast food except TP, u go build 1 fast food resturantlar...damn pai seh u noe, ppl always make fun TP no fast food. Carona oso bo yong... u keep so many Kois for wat, u think our school fee for u to buy Kois ar!

i hope that u charge less (better if no need pay school fee).Otherwise undesirable action will be taken against you and your damn car!.

from a very buay song student,
T0uy@ Akr@

Saturday, March 29, 2008


My baby brought her special someone home today... ...

Ooooh, my baby just had a boyfriend! Loooook! *smoochies*

Ahhh~ Thats sooo sweet... They are living happily ever after.

=_= okay, ending here with my crap.


One belongs to my friend's, Fantasy, and one belongs to ME! Bought them at a promotional price today...I just love collecting cute, cute, cute plushies. =)


Tomorrow will be updating the most funniest email I've ever seen. Do stay tuned! I almost laughed the hair out of my scalp. (-.- okay, there isn't such a word. I invented it)

For anyone who is interested to join in the "annonymous" game, feel free to tag my board with ANY name you like. Anyway, this blog is supposed to be erm... annonymous, without revealing our true identity. Aiya, just like last time the Ou De Yang (Singer). HOHOHO.

P/S: Oh Joshua, Joshua, I am still thinking of you everyday, every minute, every second LEH! But NOT in a positive way man. HoHoHo

Friday, March 28, 2008


As above. 老娘不发挥,还当我是病猫!

Please refer to the previous entry before reading this! Now, I think this picture of the dog does look uncannily like someone... YES! The one who had offended me yesterday. That irresponsible CHAP! Now I am imaginaing that he is saying this to me, with his face looking just like it:

YES! You hurt my oh-ever-so-fragile feelings. So ungentleman-like, 一点男人风度都没有. People, you know what? Received sms from him today early morning, in which he stated that HE APPRECIATED ALL THE HARD WORK WE HAD DONE, and sincerely APOLOGISE to those who were being sent back yesterday night!

WAHAHAHA. Did you happen to dream of me last night, haunting you?

Well, I am contented already (even though its a mass email!) I think should give you a break lah hor, if not later someone will say what SUE me for defaming. Ya la, everything also sue lah, a lot of money hor.

I guess he had a guilty conscience and unable to sleep well last night due to constant eye twitching of so many people cursing him behind his back.

Even mentioned about another project in which he would hope we take part in it. Oh please, ever heard of this verse "Once bitten, twice shy" ? There! You have it. ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY!

If you don't know, in chinese its "杯弓蛇影".

I believe you all scared so many people off, lah. Good luck in finding employees for the next project ah! Even if pay me $1000 I still have to consider ah.

Just give us our pay next Friday and we shall go our separarate ways. If you happen to read my blog and whatever, just to tell you that you can neither CHARGE nor SUE (You always like to use the word "charge") me for my blog, because I did not mention your company's name.

This is an imaginary MSN chatlog:

Joshua in the bathtub says:

Finally, count your blessings that I am so forgiving for I did not even DEMAND you compensate us for the transport fees.

P/S: I will see YOU soon. Give me my pay and we will pat buttock and go separate ways. I will be blogging nicer things soon, which is totally unrelated to you. So sad hor, your one minute of fame is nearing the end. Tsk. I am also tired of scolding and thinking (EeeW) of you everyday leh, how ah?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ridiculous and ATROCIOUS DRAMATIC experience...

I don't care if you are reading this, Mr Joshua.

Just want to tell you that you all are a bunch of unreasonable agents who think people's explanation are a waste of time, when in the first place we weren't given any chance to explain ourselves.

Don't you know that one of my friends' uncle died, and even forced herself to work for you all still by not even attending the funeral?

Was being late my fault when in the first place my lateness is due to unexpected circumstances?
After working in DAISO for almost 10 days, was I ever given a record for lateness? Why are you all so heartless to the extent that you din' even give us a chance to explain ourselves and just dismissed us?

We were only given 15 minutes of "break time", and we were asked to go down and buy some food first. DAISO is located at the 4th storey, and food centre is at the basement. Do you think 15 minutes is enough for us to PURCHASE and EAT our food when there was quite a queue during the time slot you given us?

I had intended to throw down the packet of sushis I bought just for YOUR SAKE, but I can't because the salesperson had already sealed them for me. I am a responsible person, unlike you. AND when we came up, this was the kind of treatment we received.

With YOU holding your watch and telling us we were late for 5 minutes.

YOU THINK WE WANT TO BE LATE?! For goodness sake, put yourself in OUR shoes.

Take something for example.

You fell down on your way to work and was late. You tried hard to get to the workplace, and when you finally did, your boss tells you that you are dismissed without even wanting to listen to ANY explanation. What will your feelings be? Any ordinary human will feel that its unreasonable, right? There's an explanation to everything.

I had enough of this job, simply full of arrogance and unforgiving. I had maintained good records for the past few days, and this was only the last day of job.

When you were "lecturing" us for being late, I took photographs of the scene, and you discovered and stepped up to try to SNATCH my phone from me, maligning me of shooting videos of you all. If you all are not in the wrong, will you be so mindful of me taking videos of you all? Is this what people called a "guilty conscience"?

I got threatened by Lawrence, saying I could be sued for taking pictures without YOU ALL's permission. Oh please, for goodness sake, read up the law of photography before coming up to disgrace yourself. If you really wanted to hold a case, I have chances of winning better than you do, because obviously, I can also charge you for ACCUSATION for maligning me of shooting videos of you all, when in fact I really DID NOT.

Do you know what kind of quality you all impose on your agency company? Bad attitude, service, unreasonable and most importantly, UNPROFESSIONALISM.
I really could've sued you for intruding MY PRIVACY when you all grabbed my phone and just went ahead to search without my permission. Don't you know that its not PROHIBITED of taking photographs and definitely not against the law, unless I post them out to the public and internet?

Oh, do you have evidence that I have posted the pictures up? If you really find the evidence, I welcome you to sue me. In fact, a very warm welcome.

Just to be certain that if I am not getting my pay for all the past work I had done, I am definitely going to the Ministry Of ManPower, with no joke.
I may seem like a joker at times, but I can be very serious as this is a grave situation.

Please, do some soul-searching and think about it. If you are not in the wrong, do you think I will waste my precious time and h/p battery just to snap pictures of you all? Oh, and you are afraid that I will tarnish your company's reputation, isn't it?

I strongly feel that you all owe me an apology for intruding my privacy and in the end found no videos which you had suspected. Instead, you showed me attitude and even pointed a finger at me, telling me that I am at fault.

Firstly, why do you think YOU are definitely right, and I am definitely WRONG? Do you have SOLID evidence against me?

Go ahead and transfer the pictures I had taken to your phone, for this is another grave offence you had committed.

Don't you know that whatever photographs I had taken, are considered PART of my private collection? By transferring them to your phone WITHOUT my permission, you are already committing an offence.

Go read up some books on law if you have the time. From what I know, this is a very unpleasant experience for me to be working under you. In fact, I feel that its a disgrace now.

People, please be mindful of any job agency you go to. I know you definitely won't want an experience like mine's.

For the person who had upsetted me earlier on, I don't care if you are reading this, because I wanted to blog out what I think. I felt so maligned and blamed. AND TO TELL YOU HONESTLY, the image you portray as an agent is so bad that just you alone can ruin the company's reputation.

The impression you imposed on me is that you are not a properly-trained agent with ill manners to start with. What a disgrace!

Good luck if you still continue to think that you are right and everyone is wrong, for I believe heaven is watching your every step... ...

Disclaimer: I will not demand an apology, but its better that you do if you still have a bit of conscience.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Email Received: A simple experiment

> >>>>This is cute. Try it out.
> >>>>
> >>>>Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger?
> >>>>There is a
> >>>>beautiful and convincing explanation given by the Chinese.....
> >>>>
> >>>>Thumb represents your Parents
> >>>>Second (Index) finger represents your Siblings
> >>>>Middle finger represents your-Self
> >>>>Fourth (Ring) finger represents your Life Partner
> >>>>& the Last (Little) finger represents your children

> >>>>
> >>>>Firstly, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and
> >>>>hold them together - back to back
> >>>>Secondly, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb - tip
> >>>>to tip
> >>>>(As shown in the figure below):
> >>>>
> >>>>Now, try to separate your thumbs (representing the
> >>>>parents)..., they will open, because your parents are not destined to
> >>>>live with you lifelong, and have to leave you sooner or later.
> >>>>Please join your thumbs as before and separate your Index fingers
> >>>>(representing siblings)...., they will also open, because your brothers
> >>>>and sisters will have their own families and will have to lead their own
> >>>>separate lives.
> >>>>
> >>>>Now join the Index fingers and separate your Little fingers
> >>>>(representing your children)...., they will open too, because the
> >>>>children also will get married and settle down on their own some day.
> >>>>
> >>>>Finally, join your Little fingers, and try to separate your Ring fingers
> >>>>(representing your spouse).
> >>>>You will be surprised to see that you just CANNOT....., because Husband
> >>>>& Wife have to remain together all their lives - through thick and
> >>>>thin!!

Email Received: Super Funny Riddles!

> >> > > Q1) Ah Mei's dad has 7 wives. The 5th and 7th are
> >> > > Africans. Guess
> >> > > Chinese idiom.
> >> > >
> >> > > A1) Wu Qi Ma Hei
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q2) There's a party in the forest. Who didn't get to
> >> > > eat the cake!?!
> >> > >
> >> > > A2) GRASS because Cao Mei Dan Gao
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q3) Ah bao was murdered! However, the police quickly
> >> > > found the killer.
> >> > > Who was it?
> >> > >
> >> > > A3) Ah Dou because Dou Sha Bao
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q4) Xiao Bai and Da Bai are bros. As Xiao Bai grows
> >> > > older, he looks more
> >> > > and more like his bro. Guess a Chinese idiom.
> >> > >
> >> > > A4) Zhen Xiang Da Bai
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q5) Osama, Bush , Blair and Saddam play mahjong. Who
> >> > > will win first ??
> >> > >
> >> > > A5) Saddam Hussein because Saddam Hu Xian
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q6) What's the panda's 2 biggest wishes?
> >> > >
> >> > > A6) i. Get rid of dark eyes ring
> >> > > ii.Taking colour photo
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q7) Who will pick up the dumpling (ba zhang) on the
> >> > > floor ?
> >> > >
> >> > > A7) Xiang Long because Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q8) There are 3 Male and 1 Female pencils in a box.
> >> > > The Female pencil
> >> > > got pregnant!! Which Male pencil is responsible?
> >> > >
> >> > > A8) The one without the rubber
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q9) Xiao Ming drinks milk to grow up. What does Da
> >> > > Ming drink?
> >> > >
> >> > > A9) Alcohol because Jiu Yang Da Ming
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q10) Which brand of shampoo is the wealthiest?
> >> > >
> >> > > A10) 'Lux' Super Rich
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Q11) What did Batman say when he fell down?
> >> > >
> >> > > A11) Painful Sia... (Bian fu sia)

Funny Joke To Cheer Your Day Up

> >>Wife: What are you doing?
> >>Husband : Nothing.
> >>Wife : Nothing ...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for
> >>an hour !
> >>Husband : I was looking for the expiry date.
> >>
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>Wife : Do you want dinner?
> >>Husband : Sure ! What are my choices ?
> >>Wife : Yes and no.
> >>
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>Wife: You always carry my photo in your wallet. Why ?
> >>Hubby: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible,
> >>I look at your picture, and the problem disappears.
> >>
> >>Wife: You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you ?
> >>Hubby: Yes! I see your picture and ask myself ---
> >>what other problem can be greater than this one ?
> >>
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your
> >>worries, troubles and lighten your burden.
> >>
> >>Boy: It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or
> >>troubles.
> >>
> >>Girl: Well that's because we aren't married yet !
> >>
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>Son: Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning,
> >>he told me to give up my seat to a lady.
> >>
> >>Mom: Well, you have done the right thing.
> >>
> >>Son: But mom, I was sitting on daddy's lap.
> >>
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>A newly married man asked his wife
> >>" Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune ? "
> >>
> >>"Honey," the woman replied sweetly,
> >>" I'd have married you, NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU A FORTUNE ! "
> >>
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever.
> >>
> >>The guy replies: Thanks for the early warning.
> >>
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>A wife asked her husband:
> >>What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy body?
> >>
> >>He looked at her from head to toe and replied:
> >>I like your sense of humor.

Email Received : If I am the teacher, I will kill myself.


Hotmail Accounts Closing Down -YOUR HEAD LA!

I had been receiving numerous emails regarding the closing down of hotmail accounts if you do not forward it, blah blah.


Please lah, I believe HOTMAIL is a professional company, and wouldn't use tactics like asking YOU to forward whatever mail.

And the way the content was written is unprofessional!
Hotmail won't resort to such tactics. If its real, they have MASS EMAIL option and can inform US PERSONALLY, and not asking to forward it.

So, stop believing this kinda spam and DELETE IT whenever you see this mail. By forwarding it, you are actually wasting 1 minute of your life. DUH.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Online Scammer aka Pervert aka Flasher

Everyone, beware of this email address: (KEVIN ONG) He claims that he is a newly-established online agency, and blah blah blah.

READ WHAT HE SAID: (Text in Blue will be HIM. Text in ORANGE will be my view.)

Hi , We are new job agency from singapore.If you have computer and internet access at home,you can earn cash from home. You just chat and earn money. You can earn more than $100 in half-day (Only if available).Most of our client are from oversea eg. UK, Japan, US, New zealand and some from HK.Just chat online with client and sweet talk only. <---DUH?!

Payment is made in cheque or bank transfer. For small amount , like less than $100, we prefer to do transfer as it is quick and easy. Payment will be made on daily basis (next day) . If you want to, you can collect personally too.

Rate: Without webcam: $15/1hr (at least must fullfill 1hr chat)

With webcam: $30/hr (at least must fullfill 1hr chat)) <--(to see his private parts issit?!)

Software Required: MSN or Camfrog or Yahoo. Currently, only part time positions are available.Employee chat ID will be protected.

If interested, Pls reply to this email with your info and work experiences.We have free time slot for today.

Best Regards,Mr Kevin.

I sent back a reply, saying I was interested. HoHoHo. (Although I jolly well know I will not be paid for the chat) But well, curiosity kills the cat!
Read on to see further details he had given me.

HI littlesolar,

Good to hear from you.

Sorry, the time slot is from xx pm - xx pm.Is it OK? Pls let me know again.


Software Required: MSN Live versionYou can add him to your msn about xx pm.

He won't know your ID until u add him. we don't give him so that he can't abuse your ID.
He will be online by that time.

We give him your nick name as littlesolar. So just into urself to him. After that, just talk and follow what he ask and talk.

If the client asks personal questions, you can answer anything, no need to give truth info.

But try not to make negative responses. I think you know how to continue. Actually he perfers the one with cam, but it's ok. I have told him. If he asked, just reply spoiled last week.

You need to prepare some pictures (3/4 enough) so that you can show him if he ask(Most likely he will ask ). Not necessary to be your picture, but don't show HK actresses or other popular actresses. <--(for him to masterbate is it?)

You can show your picture too, if you don't mind. If you want, you can mask or cut face too, doesn't matter. If he show his pic or cam, just see and reply accordingly.

(What? See and reply accordingly? What if he flashes his **EWW?)

At xx pm, you end the conversation and just log off. If he want to chat again, he need to make appointment again.

Anyway, he won't know who you are too. So you can talk what he likes, just follow conversation. In case he talk about adult things,you just close one eye and follow or just reject nicely.

The job nature is like phone chat line. sweet talk and make him happy. Here using chat software instead of phone line.

So, never give personal hp number or email to any client. We won't give too.For this section, we will transfer $25 to your account tomorrow. Pls let us know the bank and account to transfer. (You think money will fall from the sky just by chatting ah?!)
Pls install msn live in your computer.

Best regards,


I sent him my reply, and sounded eager to work for it, thus giving him my bank account number to see if its real.
So... I waited for the time he had given me and logged onto MSN using my fake persona ID. I added the "client" this kevin ong has given me. I chatted with this particular person aka "client", and just as expected, he was trying to get me into dirty talks. He tried to let me see his webcam, but I chose not to. AND FOR GOODNESS SAKE, THE WAY THIS PARTICULAR AGENT "KEVIN ONG" talks and this "client" talks sounds similar! Their punctuation, their dots, their everything! I observed them, okay!

And JUST AS EXPECTED, the S$25 he promised did not find its way into my account.

Scammers ALERT! Do not be tricked! I had actually did a research of the "client" before adding him in, and it turned out that he was, and IS a famous online flasher. A pervertic guy who always show-case his "private part" to females!


So now I shall begin my oh-so-splendid-blog with some of my everyday rants and complaints. Stay on if you are a willing "listener", if not, get out and just treat it as you have not entered before. (Ok, I am kidding. Just come back, will ya?)

During these recent few weeks, the desperate littlesolar (which happens to be me, duh!) was desperately looking for jobs till she nearly went insane. (Toilet-cleaning job, anyone?)

Yeah, she searched all over the internet, (even =_=), applied for job agencies, called up the numbers advertised in the Classified...but to no avail.

Till recently... ... she saw jobs about free-lancing being advertised online. After being desperate for so long, she hastily went to bombard her smse-s to the companies.... and FINALLY GOT A REPLY, or REPLIES! =D~

She was soooo super duper happy, and felt herself climbing over the rainbow and touching the sky, and thought "FINALLY, I've found a job!" The people called me from the company and even arranged an interview for me the next day. WOW, how splendid was that?!


Although the company did not reveal their name, BUT she was definite that she had been to there before when the person gave her the company's location.

She was stunned.
She stoned.
She gulped.


I shall not disclose any name(s) to protect the identity of the company. (Yeah, I don't wanna get sued for just an entry in my blog?!) Let's just give the, a name?

Okay, we shall call them "Aloe Vera". (Don't bother guessing, its just one of my favorite junkie)

I've gotta admit this company of theirs has nice business tactics, and is now on the verge of expanding to a huge population of employees. Indeed, they are a freelancing company, and what the employees have to do is to close deals by selling their products. BUT don't they know their products are so #*($&(# expensive? (Okay, to me its Mission Impossible to sell them)

Furthermore, I had asked if I am able to advertise their products on the net? And I was told that I will get sued or blah blah blah.

So, how do I get to sell the products and get customers? I simply can't walk on the streets and drag everyone who passes by, "EH! COME BUY MY PRODUCTS LEH! COME AH. LELONG LELONG!"

=_=" Ok, ignore that.

Anyway, their reply was something like selling them through FAMILY and FRIENDS. HELOOOO there, family? My own family?! Wont that be a bit like (sorry I know it sounds a bit mean over here) CHEATING my own family? Earning profits through them? Then I rather not earn. Duh.

Well, I was displeased, and asked " Since your products are soooo good, then why not publicise it and sell it outside?" (Yeah, they only sell it within their company from my understanding)

And I was told that the system is like this.

If this person uses this product and finds it good, then he/she will intro this product to another person. And blah blah, the list goes on. (So they sell it through buyers' recommendations!)


BUT what the company promises in return is to let you have a chance in achieving a car after closing several deals and "level promotion". WAH, if for me, 1 deal will take me centuries to close! (Their products go as high as $2000!) Imagine that!

Well, needless to say, the majority of the employees were filled with youngsters and teenagers, and there are more coming in to join their company soon...Because if you manage to refer your friend inside, then you will get a commision!

And let me tell you, the people working in there are so SUPER FRIENDLY and NICE! (Of course lah, they want the commission one ma)

For example, I am working in this company. If I manage to pull 1 of my friends in, then I will earn the commission. On top of that, if my friend manage to sell any item and close a deal, I am able to "absorb" commission from that,too. (Because the person you pulled in will be considered your downline).

WAH, like that their company will be bursting with employees in days to come. GOOD BUSINESS TACTICS, EH?

I believe all those advertisements are all people who want to pull others in to earn commission or whatever. ANYWAY, I am not interested in it and leave me out of this job. I hope they won't terrorize the whole of Classifieds and Jobs Search Website, if not I will keep on receiving calls from this company! GRRR

(Disclaimer: If any of you are reading this and know which company I am talking about, please be a good boy/girl and keep it to yourself, okay? And this post does not mean that I have a grudge or hatred against this particular company. Well, its just a voicing of my opinions! Shoot me back if you dare.... *evil laugh )