Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ridiculous and ATROCIOUS DRAMATIC experience...

I don't care if you are reading this, Mr Joshua.

Just want to tell you that you all are a bunch of unreasonable agents who think people's explanation are a waste of time, when in the first place we weren't given any chance to explain ourselves.

Don't you know that one of my friends' uncle died, and even forced herself to work for you all still by not even attending the funeral?

Was being late my fault when in the first place my lateness is due to unexpected circumstances?
After working in DAISO for almost 10 days, was I ever given a record for lateness? Why are you all so heartless to the extent that you din' even give us a chance to explain ourselves and just dismissed us?

We were only given 15 minutes of "break time", and we were asked to go down and buy some food first. DAISO is located at the 4th storey, and food centre is at the basement. Do you think 15 minutes is enough for us to PURCHASE and EAT our food when there was quite a queue during the time slot you given us?

I had intended to throw down the packet of sushis I bought just for YOUR SAKE, but I can't because the salesperson had already sealed them for me. I am a responsible person, unlike you. AND when we came up, this was the kind of treatment we received.

With YOU holding your watch and telling us we were late for 5 minutes.

YOU THINK WE WANT TO BE LATE?! For goodness sake, put yourself in OUR shoes.

Take something for example.

You fell down on your way to work and was late. You tried hard to get to the workplace, and when you finally did, your boss tells you that you are dismissed without even wanting to listen to ANY explanation. What will your feelings be? Any ordinary human will feel that its unreasonable, right? There's an explanation to everything.

I had enough of this job, simply full of arrogance and unforgiving. I had maintained good records for the past few days, and this was only the last day of job.

When you were "lecturing" us for being late, I took photographs of the scene, and you discovered and stepped up to try to SNATCH my phone from me, maligning me of shooting videos of you all. If you all are not in the wrong, will you be so mindful of me taking videos of you all? Is this what people called a "guilty conscience"?

I got threatened by Lawrence, saying I could be sued for taking pictures without YOU ALL's permission. Oh please, for goodness sake, read up the law of photography before coming up to disgrace yourself. If you really wanted to hold a case, I have chances of winning better than you do, because obviously, I can also charge you for ACCUSATION for maligning me of shooting videos of you all, when in fact I really DID NOT.

Do you know what kind of quality you all impose on your agency company? Bad attitude, service, unreasonable and most importantly, UNPROFESSIONALISM.
I really could've sued you for intruding MY PRIVACY when you all grabbed my phone and just went ahead to search without my permission. Don't you know that its not PROHIBITED of taking photographs and definitely not against the law, unless I post them out to the public and internet?

Oh, do you have evidence that I have posted the pictures up? If you really find the evidence, I welcome you to sue me. In fact, a very warm welcome.

Just to be certain that if I am not getting my pay for all the past work I had done, I am definitely going to the Ministry Of ManPower, with no joke.
I may seem like a joker at times, but I can be very serious as this is a grave situation.

Please, do some soul-searching and think about it. If you are not in the wrong, do you think I will waste my precious time and h/p battery just to snap pictures of you all? Oh, and you are afraid that I will tarnish your company's reputation, isn't it?

I strongly feel that you all owe me an apology for intruding my privacy and in the end found no videos which you had suspected. Instead, you showed me attitude and even pointed a finger at me, telling me that I am at fault.

Firstly, why do you think YOU are definitely right, and I am definitely WRONG? Do you have SOLID evidence against me?

Go ahead and transfer the pictures I had taken to your phone, for this is another grave offence you had committed.

Don't you know that whatever photographs I had taken, are considered PART of my private collection? By transferring them to your phone WITHOUT my permission, you are already committing an offence.

Go read up some books on law if you have the time. From what I know, this is a very unpleasant experience for me to be working under you. In fact, I feel that its a disgrace now.

People, please be mindful of any job agency you go to. I know you definitely won't want an experience like mine's.

For the person who had upsetted me earlier on, I don't care if you are reading this, because I wanted to blog out what I think. I felt so maligned and blamed. AND TO TELL YOU HONESTLY, the image you portray as an agent is so bad that just you alone can ruin the company's reputation.

The impression you imposed on me is that you are not a properly-trained agent with ill manners to start with. What a disgrace!

Good luck if you still continue to think that you are right and everyone is wrong, for I believe heaven is watching your every step... ...

Disclaimer: I will not demand an apology, but its better that you do if you still have a bit of conscience.

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