Friday, March 14, 2008


So now I shall begin my oh-so-splendid-blog with some of my everyday rants and complaints. Stay on if you are a willing "listener", if not, get out and just treat it as you have not entered before. (Ok, I am kidding. Just come back, will ya?)

During these recent few weeks, the desperate littlesolar (which happens to be me, duh!) was desperately looking for jobs till she nearly went insane. (Toilet-cleaning job, anyone?)

Yeah, she searched all over the internet, (even =_=), applied for job agencies, called up the numbers advertised in the Classified...but to no avail.

Till recently... ... she saw jobs about free-lancing being advertised online. After being desperate for so long, she hastily went to bombard her smse-s to the companies.... and FINALLY GOT A REPLY, or REPLIES! =D~

She was soooo super duper happy, and felt herself climbing over the rainbow and touching the sky, and thought "FINALLY, I've found a job!" The people called me from the company and even arranged an interview for me the next day. WOW, how splendid was that?!


Although the company did not reveal their name, BUT she was definite that she had been to there before when the person gave her the company's location.

She was stunned.
She stoned.
She gulped.


I shall not disclose any name(s) to protect the identity of the company. (Yeah, I don't wanna get sued for just an entry in my blog?!) Let's just give the, a name?

Okay, we shall call them "Aloe Vera". (Don't bother guessing, its just one of my favorite junkie)

I've gotta admit this company of theirs has nice business tactics, and is now on the verge of expanding to a huge population of employees. Indeed, they are a freelancing company, and what the employees have to do is to close deals by selling their products. BUT don't they know their products are so #*($&(# expensive? (Okay, to me its Mission Impossible to sell them)

Furthermore, I had asked if I am able to advertise their products on the net? And I was told that I will get sued or blah blah blah.

So, how do I get to sell the products and get customers? I simply can't walk on the streets and drag everyone who passes by, "EH! COME BUY MY PRODUCTS LEH! COME AH. LELONG LELONG!"

=_=" Ok, ignore that.

Anyway, their reply was something like selling them through FAMILY and FRIENDS. HELOOOO there, family? My own family?! Wont that be a bit like (sorry I know it sounds a bit mean over here) CHEATING my own family? Earning profits through them? Then I rather not earn. Duh.

Well, I was displeased, and asked " Since your products are soooo good, then why not publicise it and sell it outside?" (Yeah, they only sell it within their company from my understanding)

And I was told that the system is like this.

If this person uses this product and finds it good, then he/she will intro this product to another person. And blah blah, the list goes on. (So they sell it through buyers' recommendations!)


BUT what the company promises in return is to let you have a chance in achieving a car after closing several deals and "level promotion". WAH, if for me, 1 deal will take me centuries to close! (Their products go as high as $2000!) Imagine that!

Well, needless to say, the majority of the employees were filled with youngsters and teenagers, and there are more coming in to join their company soon...Because if you manage to refer your friend inside, then you will get a commision!

And let me tell you, the people working in there are so SUPER FRIENDLY and NICE! (Of course lah, they want the commission one ma)

For example, I am working in this company. If I manage to pull 1 of my friends in, then I will earn the commission. On top of that, if my friend manage to sell any item and close a deal, I am able to "absorb" commission from that,too. (Because the person you pulled in will be considered your downline).

WAH, like that their company will be bursting with employees in days to come. GOOD BUSINESS TACTICS, EH?

I believe all those advertisements are all people who want to pull others in to earn commission or whatever. ANYWAY, I am not interested in it and leave me out of this job. I hope they won't terrorize the whole of Classifieds and Jobs Search Website, if not I will keep on receiving calls from this company! GRRR

(Disclaimer: If any of you are reading this and know which company I am talking about, please be a good boy/girl and keep it to yourself, okay? And this post does not mean that I have a grudge or hatred against this particular company. Well, its just a voicing of my opinions! Shoot me back if you dare.... *evil laugh )

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