Saturday, April 5, 2008


I am still running on my research... A research that I am fascinated in, and hope that I am able to get some results from it.
Many will certainly laugh, or sneer at the topic of my research, but who cares. =)

Do you believe that VAMPIRES exist?

It's something for you to think about, because this is not the type of VAMPIRES you see in movies, drama serials, etc...

I've been through several websites, and yes, I must say that I found some interesting stuff. Best of all, I managed to get into contact with someone who claims that he "is" a "vampire"*ahem.
I am now sort of interviewing him for my own personal research, and may post up my results soon.

Well, vampires who cater to immortalism, to me, only occurs and appears on films/movies/dramas. I believe all those we see in shows are mostly exaggerated.

Vampirism is a human condition whereby these "humans" have an extra need or desire for blood. Ah, donors to the rescue. However, its not easy to get a donor. Thus, they usually have to turn to animal blood to satisfy and feed their needs. (Although it may not be as satisfying as human ones.)

I roamed the China forum, and discovered that there are actually quite a number of *pardon me* obsessive fellows who wish to be vampires, and some even seemed desperate to seek a real vampire into turning them into one. (I believe they watched too many MDWAV).

From my research, there seems to be no solution and guarantee to turning.
Either you are born one, or awakened.

Okay, real vampires do not fear garlics, nor crosses. I've read somewhere about using a sharp object to poke through the heart of a vampire in order to kill it. Its so hilarious man.

Who wouldn't die from it? Even HUMANS do die from usage of sharp objects poking through the hearts! HAHA..

Seems like the only problem(s) for real vampires are sunlight and thirst. They have an ultra sensitivity to sunlight, though. As for the thirst, I wonder why does it need to be blood in the first place?

But something to take note of, humans who have a fascination for blood or lust for it are not neccessary vampires. It may just be a fetish, or a medical condition. If you ask me, I cannot give an affirmation that real vampires do exist, but I can say that there are humans who drink blood.

Long long ago... ... *ok, I know you are sleeping right now*
There was a lady who lives on blood of humans to maintain her beauty. She was forever looking so young, so radiant... but nobody knows the evil truth behind it...

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